RF Systems
Terrestrial HD and UHD RF links
Teradek Bolt 500 XT set
Teradek Bolt XT 500 Transmitter/Receiver Set

A key feature of the Bolt XT is its backward compatibility with any Bolt of the same range, Sidekick II / LT / XT, and 703 Bolt, giving users more flexibility building onto their existing systems or linking with others already on set. Unlike alternative wireless video systems, Bolt XT includes a unique AES 128 encryption algorithm to protect your video footage, ensuring that only authorized receivers can connect to your transmitter. Each transmitter includes an HDMI, 3G-SDI and looping 3G-SDI output. Receivers feature an HDMI output as well as dual 3G-SDI outputs. While wireless performance is critical on set, so are practical mounting options that ensure optimal performance and a quick set-up.
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